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Kichiku Megane

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A kichiku megane (literally "brutal glasses") is a male love interest whose defining traits are that he is cold, cruel, and abusive to his romantic partner in a manner intended to be kinky and appealing to the audience, and that he wears glasses, which indicates that he is also smart, sophisticated, and successful.

This is purely a fantasy of a strong, very desirable, dominant man who has (or wants) complete control over his partner, especially sexually, and the domination and emotional abuse is intended to be sexy (and often an expression of romantic feelings). Thus, if you are a good-looking male character who wears glasses, some fans will turn you into this, regardless of your personality.

The character type requires that the character be a possible Love Interest; if there's no hope that the opposite party will ever reciprocate, he's probably just a Stalker with a Crush or a Jerkass.

A kichiku megane typically has a cool, sophisticated, or commanding way of speaking, an evil little smile, and an expensive suit. They are popular in media directed at a female audience.

For the trope that covers this type of character, see Fetishized Abuser. See also Kichiku, which is another Anime Fanspeak term for a type of Fetishized Abuser, and Four Eyes, Zero Soul, another trope about cruel glasses-wearing characters.

Please do not add examples to work pages; this merely defines the term.
