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  • Adults Are Boring: From a child's point of view, everything grown-ups do and/or like is boring.
  • Babysitter Fridge Raid: A babysitter gets the privilege of helping themselves to anything in the client family's fridge, and takes full advantage of it.
  • Born From Clouds: A living thing is born from a cloud.
    • Partly Cloudy: In this short, human and animal babies are born when they are created by cloud people and sent off to their parents via delivery storks. The main character, Gus, is a storm cloud who has the job of making dangerous baby animals like alligators and electric eels, and his stork friend, Peck, gets frequently injured by them.
    • Sanrio: Cinnamoroll is a soft, fluffy white puppy who was born from a cloud.
    • In Classical Mythology, when Zeus wanted to punish Ixion for assassinating his father-in-law and sleeping with his wife Hera, he created a cloud called Nephele which assumed Hera's form and tricked Ixion into mating with it. The resulting child was Centaurus, father of the centaurs.
  • Centaur's Crossbow: Fictional centaurs always wield crossbows.
  • Clumsiness Excuse: An abuser tries to excuse the injuries of their victim by claiming they're clumsy and hurt themselves.
  • Clutching the Ashes: Someone frantically tries to put back together the pieces of a precious object as it is irreversibly destroyed.
  • Coveted Flower Girl Position / Flower Girl Plot: A young girl really wants to be the flower girl at a wedding.
  • Coveted Prom Queen Crown: Being elected prom queen is Serious Business and the Alpha Bitch is going to get that crown no matter what!
  • Cruel Golf Game: A villain uses a golf game to Kick the Dog, usually by using someone as a tee.
  • Depending on the Production: An aspect of a theatrical production that varies according to the actors, resources, theatre size, etc.
  • Evil Smells Good: A villain is associated with a pleasant scent.
    • Dorothy Must Die: When Amy is infiltrating the Emerald Castle in the disguise of a maid, one of her tasks is to brush Princess Dorothy's hair. She notices that it smells like lemons and sunshine, which surprises her as she expected there to be "a rotten note underneath."
  • The First Pain (tentative): Someone's first conscious memory is experiencing pain, and it affects them deeply.
  • Good Flowers, Evil Weeds: Among sentient plants, flowers are beautiful and good, while weeds are evil, ugly, and greedy.
  • Jock and Cheerleader: Jocks and cheerleaders are the most popular students, and therefore always date each other.
  • Medusa's Statue Garden: A modern Medusa (or another character who can petrify people) pretends that their victims are just very detailed sculptures and/or makes a living as a "sculptor".
  • Nerdy Homework Helper: A smart kid is the school's go-to for help with homework.
  • Ominous Birth: Being born under bad circumstances bodes ill for a child's future.
    • Warrior Cats:
      • In Bluestar's Prophecy, Leopardfoot goes into labor half a moon (two weeks) early, loses a lot of blood, and gives birth to three small, weak kits not expected to survive, which ThunderClan's medicine cat Goosefeather interprets as a bad omen. Two of the kits, Nightkit and Mistkit, die before they are a moon (month) old, but their brother Tigerkit survives and grows up to become the ambitious, bloodthirsty dictator Tigerstar.
      • Yellowfang, a medicine cat forbidden from having a mate or kits, enters a relationship with her Clan's leader, Raggedstar. When she gets pregnant, she secretly gives birth in the hollow of a dead tree and describes the experience as horrendously difficult and painful, leaving her too weak to even eat the medicinal herbs she brought with her. One of her three kits is stillborn, the second dies minutes after her birth, and the third has his face twisted in rage and hate from the moment of his birth. This kit grows up to become Brokenstar, a cruel leader who brings grief and ruin to his Clan.
    • JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind: Diavolo, the Big Bad boss of Passione who will kill anyone to preserve the secrecy of his identity, was born in a women's prison on a remote island under bizarre and unexplainable circumstances. His mother showed no signs of being pregnant until the night he was born, and claimed that his father had been dead for more than two years. The scene is framed very darkly with the mother clearly being in terrible pain and the prison not being the most pleasant of places.
  • Rejecting the Gift: Refusing a gift from someone because you're mad at them.
    • Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix: Percy Weasley cuts ties with his family over their continued support of Dumbledore, viewing them as dragging him down in his ambitions to get a high-ranking job at the Ministry of Magic. His mother Molly still sends him a Christmas sweater in the mail, but he sends it back.
  • Running Equals Guilty: If someone flees a crime scene, others will assume they ran because they committed it.
"1. Any suspect that makes Benson, Stabler, or Fin chase him/her is automatically guilty."
  • Snapped Twig Alert: While in the wilderness, someone is immediately alerted to the presence of another person when they step on a twig and break it.
  • Symbolic Tears: During a sad scene, raindrops run down someone’s face that look like tears.
    • Coco: The opening of the movie, in which Miguel tells the story of his family, is told through animated papel picado banners. He speaks of how the father left with his guitar one day, and never returned. As the daughter stares mournfully out the window, a raindrop falls on her cheek that resembles a Single Tear.
    • Steven Universe: In "Future Vision", because of Garnet describing her future vision and the possibility of terrible things happening to him, Steven becomes terrified of dying and climbs onto the house's roof in the pouring rain. As Garnet is trying to persuade him to get down, she realizes that telling him about her future vision led to this outcome. She takes off her sunglasses to talk to him (which she almost never does), and rain drips down her face that makes her appear to be crying.
    • Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood: After having lost his original body, Al exists as a soul bound to a suit of armor, and is Unable to Cry. As he talks with his brother Ed about how they could not save the life of Nina, a little girl they met, rain trails down his metal face in a way that makes it clear he would be crying if he could.
  • Too Old for a Babysitter: A kid gets left with a babysitter for the night, despite being way past the age where most kids would need one.
  • Unconventional Wedding Traditions (tentative): An unusual wedding tradition that fits the made-up culture of the setting.
    • The Hunger Games:
      • When Annie and Finnick have a Wartime Wedding in District 13, they use some wedding traditions from their home of District 4, whose industry centers around fishing. A net woven from long grass covers them during their vows, they touch each other's lips with salt water, and a traditional wedding song is sung that compares marriage to a voyage across the sea.
      • In District 12, after their wedding ceremony, a bride and groom make their first fire, toast a piece of bread, and share it. Katniss comments, "Maybe it's old-fashioned, but no one really feels married in District 12 until after the toasting."
    • A Song of Ice and Fire:
      • During a Dothraki wedding feast, while the women are dancing for the bride and groom, the male warriors may claim them and start having sex with them in the open. If two men want the same woman, they will fight to the death over her. A Dothraki wedding without at least three deaths is considered a dull affair.
      • In a Westerosi wedding, a highborn bride wears a cloak with the colors and sigil of her House, called the maiden's cloak. Her husband removes it from her shoulders and replaces it with a cloak in his House's colors, to represent that she has passed from her father's protection to her husband's protection.
  • Unwavering Faith: A character is defined by never losing faith in their religion, no matter what terrible things happen to them.
  • Void of Memories: A White Void Room or pocket dimension where you are surrounded by visual projections of your life's memories.
  • Winter of Starvation: Characters become desperate for food during the winter and may resort to doing immoral things in order to survive.
    • Warrior Cats: The Clan cats always go hungry during leaf-bare (their term for winter), as prey becomes scarce, and fresh-kill has to be rationed and given to the cats most in need first. Deaths from illness or starvation during leaf-bare are common, especially for elders and kits. RiverClan has it easier, as they can still catch fish from the river, but sometimes they don't even have that because the river may freeze over.
      • In the side story "A Dark Path Chosen," ThunderClan is enduring a hard leaf-bare, and Poppydawn, one of the Clan elders, has become ill and weak. Darkstripe and Longtail are sent out to hunt, and Longtail manages to catch a fat squirrel, but Darkstripe eats it and convinces him to have some too, reasoning that they need their strength to hunt for the Clan. By the time they get back, Poppydawn has starved to death. Longtail is horrified at what they've done, but Darkstripe shuts him up by threatening to lie to everyone that he chose to eat the squirrel and refused to let him (Darkstripe) bring it back to camp.
    • Winnie-the-Pooh: Blood and Honey: Pooh and his friends in the Hundred Acre Wood depend on Christopher Robin to bring them food. When he leaves the Hundred Acre Wood to go to college, their food supplies start to run low. Then winter comes, and everyone begins to starve. They are eventually forced to kill and eat Eeyore in order to survive, which traumatizes them so much that they make a pact to give up their humanity and never speak again.
    • Fluffy Pony: In the winter, starving feral fluffies sometimes have to resort to eating garbage to survive, often with lamentations of "Nummies nu taste pwetty...nummies nu smeww pwetty..." If they get even more desperate, they may resort to cannibalism, and parents may even eat their foals.
    • Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: Charlie's father loses his job screwing caps onto toothpaste bottles in the middle of winter, leaving him unable to provide for himself, his wife, his son, and the four grandparents. They have to cut down their already meager meals to a single slice of bread and half a boiled potato for each person a day. During this time, Charlie comes across a 50-pence piece in the snow and uses it to buy two Wonka candy bars. The second one turns out to have a Golden Ticket in it, making him the fifth winner of Wonka's contest.
    • The Little Match Girl: A little girl is trying to sell matches during winter in order to make money, but nobody's buying them. She is very hungry, and starts imagining happy things like a roast goose for dinner as she lights her matches to stay warm.

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Characters / Sinnoh Kingdom Tales

The Five of Diamonds

    In general 
  • Penny Among Diamonds: Nando and Cynthia are not highborn—that is, they don't belong to a House with a history of serving the kingdom. Because of that, they face some prejudice from their peers who are highborn.

    Nando Caballera 
  • Prophetic Name: Caballera is the female form of the Spanish word for "knight," and he had this last name long before he ever became part of House Pierrot or even moved to Sinnoh.
  • The Unfavorite: Throughout his life, Nando feels as though he has always been ignored in favor of one or another of his siblings — his older brother, his younger stepsister, and his baby half-brother. Sometimes, even his mother's students get more attention from her than he does.

    Roark Pierrot 

    Gardenia Silva 

    Riley Ferron 
  • Big Brother Instinct: He feels some responsibility to look out for Nando since the other boy is a complete newcomer to the House system, even before fully accepting him as a member of their friend group.
  • Defrosting Ice King: Riley tends to be cold and aloof towards people he doesn't know very well, but if you manage to earn his trust, he will be loyal to you forever.
  • This Is Unforgivable!: Since loyalty is something he values highly, he takes betrayal very hard.

    Cynthia Levana 
